Hamilton 2 Waters maintenance renewal contract

HEB Construction is here to help New Zealand’s fourth-largest city with a wide range of renewal efforts to keep its water flowing.

The Hamilton 2 Waters maintenance renewal contract involves undertaking improvements to the water and wastewater networks in Hamilton City. Techniques involved include pipe bursting, open cut trenching and direction drilling of replacement connections and rising mains, pump station construction including mechanical and electrical upgrades, and outfall remedial works.

This marks nearly a decade of partnership between HEB and Hamilton City Council – we’ve held 3 and 2 Waters contracts with the city since 2012.

Our work

  • A solutions-focused work ethic, investigating solutions, collaborating with supply chain partners, and to successful deliver each project.
  • Delivering each project with careful planning and high levels of stakeholder management, due to many of the works sitting on private property.
  • A responsive and collaborative approach to working with our client to ensure resources are applied to the highest priority or urgent works.
  • Smoothing annual expenditure over the entire financial year instead of procurement each project separately, creating a better experience for the client and better value for ratepayers.

Hamilton City Council







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